Orsi Husz received her PhD in History at Stockholm University, after undergraduate studies at Eötvös Lórand University in Budapest (ELTE), Hungary. She works today as a professor at the Department of History of Science and Ideas at Uppsala university. She is also docent in economic history and until 2021 she held a professorship at the Dept. of Economic History at Uppsala.
Her research spans different areas of the cultural history of economic life in the 20th century such as consumer culture, gambling, credit, personal finances and the market of education. In her work she often examines the interrelationship between economic value and ideal (moral, emotional, cultural, etc.) values in different historical settings, along with the cultural construction of gender, class as well as new financial subject categories in economic life. Her main research focus in recent years have been the financialization of daily life in Post War Scandinavia. In addition to her participation in the Programme she conducts a project on ‘The Business of Identity. Money and Identification in Twentieth Century Sweden’ which is funded by the Swedish Research Council and concerns commercial and financial interests and practices in the documentation of personal identities.
Key publications:
2023, with Andersson, Jenny, Nikolas Glover and David Larsson Heidenblad (eds.), Marknadens tid: mellan folkhemskapitalism och nyliberalism, Nordic Academic Press/Kriterium (https://www.kriterium.se/site/books/e/10.21525/kriterium.54/).
Andersson, Jenny, Nikolas Glover, Orsi Husz and David Larsson Heidenblad (2023). ”Bortom vänstervind och högervåg”, Marknadens tid: mellan folkhemskapitalism och nyliberalism, Nordic Academic Press/Kriterium (https://www.kriterium.se/site/books/e/10.21525/kriterium.54/).
Husz, Orsi (2023). ”Kreditkortskriget. Kooperativa Förbundet och den finansiellt rationella konsumenten”, in Jenny Andersson, David Heidenblad Larsson, Orsi Husz & Nikolas Glover (eds.), Marknadens tid: mellan folkhemskapitalism och nyliberalism, Nordic Academic Press/Kriterium (https://www.kriterium.se/site/books/e/10.21525/kriterium.54/).
Husz, Orsi (2023). ”The Birth of the Finance Consumer: Feminists, Bankers and the Re-Gendering of Finance in Mid-Twentieth-Century Sweden”. Contemporary European History, 1-20 (e-pub ahead of print), open access.
Husz Orsi (2022), Identitetsekonomin (The identity economy), Stockholm: Riksbankens Jubileumsfond/Makadam förlag, 61 s, open access online, in Swedish and in English.
Husz, O., & Larsson Heidenblad, D (2023), ”The Making of Everyman’s Capitalism in Sweden: Micro-Infrastructures, Unlearning, and Moral Boundary Work”, Enterprise & Society, 24(2), 425-454. doi:10.1017/eso.2021.41, open access (first published online, 29 November 2021).
Husz, O. (2020) “The entrepreneur’s dream. Credit card history between PR and academic research”, in: Histories of Knowledge in Postwar Scandinavia: Actors, Arenas and Ambitions, eds. Johan Östling, David Larsson Heidenblad & Niklas Olsen, forthcoming at Routledge;
Husz, O. (2021) “Money cards and identity cards. De-vicing consumer credit in post-war Sweden”, Journal of Cultural Economy, 14:2, 139-158, open access https://doi.org/10.1080/17530350.2020.1719868 (first published online, 25 Feb 2020).
Husz, O. (2018), “Bank Identity; Banks, ID Cards, and the Emergence of a Financial Identification Society in Sweden”, Enterprise & Society, Volume 19, Issue 2, June 2018 , pp. 391-429 http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/eso.2017.43
Husz, O. & Glover, N. (2019) “Between human capital and human worth. Popular valuations of knowledge in 20th century Sweden”, Scandinavian Journal of History, 44:4, 484-509, https://doi.org/10.1080/03468755.2019.1578687
Husz, O. & Carlsson, K. (2019), ”Marketing a New Society or Engineering Kitchens?: The Swedish Consumer Agency and IKEA in the 1970s”, in: ”Consumer Engineering”: Marketing between Planning Euphoria and the Limits of Growth, 1930s-1970s / [ed] Gary Cross, Ingo Köhler, & Jan Logemann, Palgrave Macmillen. 215-243. https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9783030145637
Husz, O. (2015) “From wage earners to financial consumers. Class and financial socialisation in Sweden in the 1950s and 1960s”, Critique Internationale, (oct-dec) nr. 69, 99-118 https://www.cairn-int.info/article-E_CRII_069_0099–from-wage-earners-to-financial-consumers.htm
Husz, O. (2015) “Golden Everyday. Housewifely consumerism and domestication of banks in 1960s Sweden.” Le Mouvement Social vol. 250, nr 1, 2015. 41-63) https://www.cairn-int.info/article.php?ID_ARTICLE=E_LMS_250_0041