Julian Lamberty was a postdoc in the programme until the spring of 2023. He is a Curator at the Danish Museum of Industry and a Researcher in the Centre for Maritime and Business History at the University of Southern Denmark. He did his Ph.D. (2017) at the University of Southern Denmark on the transformation of Danish universities in the age of ‘the competition state’. In 2015, he was a visiting scholar at the Center for Higher Education Policy Studies at the University of Twente. His dissertation is forthcoming as a book. This project was followed by a two-year period as post.doc. fellow on a collective research project on Danish industrial clusters since the 1990s that was funded by the VELUX FOUNDATIONS. From September 2020, he will join the Neoliberalism in the Nordics-team as part-time post.doc. associate. He will be working with Jeppe Nevers and others on neoliberalism from a business history perspective.
Key publications:
Lamberty, Julian (2022), Universitet og konkurrencestaten: Et studie af Syddansk Universitet, 1990-2016. Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark.
Nevers, Jeppe & Julian Lamberty (2023). “The Voice of Business in Denmark’s Neoliberal Turn”, e-pub ahead of print in Scandinavian Journal of History (pre-print will be available at https://portal.findresearcher.sdu.dk/en/persons/JeppeNevers/publications).
Lamberty, Julian & Jeppe Nevers (2022). “The Entrepreneurial State in Action: The Danish Robotics Cluster and the Role of the Public Sector”, Enterprise & Society, no. 23:1, pp. 69-98, https://doi.org/10.1017/eso.2020.36 (pre-print available at https://portal.findresearcher.sdu.dk/en/persons/JeppeNevers/publications).
“Den odenseanske robotklynge: Et studie af den fynske robotindustris udviklingshistorie”, i: J. Nevers, K. Jensen & J. Toftgaard (eds.): Nye Industrihistorier. Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark, in press.
“Syddansk Universitet i konkurrencestaten”, i: J. Nevers (ed.): En verden af viden: Syddansk Universitet 1966-2016. Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark, pp. 165-195.