Cecilie Bjerre holds a postdoc position at the Department of History, University of Southern Denmark. In her research, Bjerre has been especially preoccupied with the consequences of welfare policies. This has led Bjerre to investigate the history of out-of-home placements in Denmark from 1905-1975 in her dissertation Når staten er far og mor. Børneværnets anbringelser af børn i Danmark, 1905-1975. In the dissertation, Bjerre explores the social work in practice, which was marked by a great degree of continuity, and she emphasizes the importance of analytical focus on how the welfare policies were implemented on a local level in order to nuance and understand the history of out-of-home placements in Denmark. In her postdoc, Bjerre will investigate Nordic family politics in the era of Neoliberalism.
Key publications
Petersen, K., & Bjerre, C. (2022). Social Policy in Denmark. I Oxford Bibliographies: Social Work Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/OBO/9780195389678-0314.
Bjerre, C., Haastrup, M. F., & Petersen, K. (2022). Citizen Science in the Humanities: Implementing the Collaborative History Model (CHM) in the classroom. P o S – Proceedings of Science, 418, 1-7. https://doi.org/10.22323/1.418.0067.
Bjerre, C., Petersen, K., & Haastrup, M. F. (2022). ”Vores Historie” – Citizen Science i gymnasiet. Noter / Historielærerforeningen for Gymnasiet og HF, 234, 55. https://historielaerer.dk/noter-234-middelalderen/
Bjerre, C. (2021). Når staten er far og mor: Børneværnets anbringelser af børn i Danmark, 1905-1975. Syddansk Universitetsforlag. University of Southern Denmark Studies in History and Social Sciences Bind 605.
Bjerre, C. (2021). Hvis nu far hellere vil fiske. Weekendavisen, (sektion 4), 7.
Bjerre, Cecilie (2018). “Drevet af kærlighed. Kvinder i børneforsorgen i Danmark i starten af 1900-tallet.” I Venus, Lucie og Margrethe. Kvindehistorier i kultur, religion og politik., redigeret af Lone Kølle Martinsen og Sissel Bjerrum Fossat, 184–214. Syddansk Universitetsforlag.
Bjerre, Cecilie, Jacob Knage Rasmussen, og Stine Grønbæk Jensen, (2017), “Journalens potentialer. Konstruktioner af og møder med journalsager i børneforsorgens regi”. Temp, nr. 14, 76–94.
Vallgårda, Karen, & Cecilie Bjerre, (2016), “Childhood, Divorce, and Emotions: Danish Custody and Visitation Rights Battles in the 1920s”. The Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth 9, nr. 3, 470–88.