Nikolas Glover defended his PhD in History at Stockholm University in 2011. He then moved to the Department of Economic History, Uppsala University, where he has worked since 2013 as a teacher and researcher. In November 2019 he was awarded the title Docent in Economic History at Uppsala University.
Broadly put, his research hitherto has sought from various angles to shed fresh light on the cultural history of Sweden’s export economy. How have different societal groups managed the social and political realities of open economy, small-state democratic corporatism, and how has this shaped their collective identity/identities? How has the ever-changing external environment altered relations of power in the domestic context? In exploring answers to this questions he has engaged with a broad range of international research themes, among them the history of advertising ideas and the marketing professions; the transnational production and circulation of commercial information, the relationship between corporate social responsibility and official development aid; and the history of economic diplomacy and “emerging markets”.
Key publications:
• Monographs and edited volumes
2023, with Andersson, Jenny, Orsi Husz and David Larsson Heidenblad (eds.) Marknadens tid: mellan folkhemskapitalism och nyliberalism, Nordic Academic Press/Kriterium (https://www.kriterium.se/site/books/e/10.21525/kriterium.54/).
2011, National Relations: Public diplomacy, national identity and the Swedish Institute 1945–1970 (Lund: Nordic Academic Press). 284p.
• Articles and book chapters
2023, “Världsmarknadernas tid: De multinationella företagen och den nya internationalismen”, in Jenny Andersson, David Heidenblad Larsson, Orsi Husz & Nikolas Glover (eds.), Marknadens tid: mellan folkhemskapitalism och nyliberalism, Nordic Academic Press/Kriterium (https://www.kriterium.se/site/books/e/10.21525/kriterium.54/).
2021, ”Performing internationalism in an era of globalisation: The Swedish-South African Partnership Week in 1999”, Culture Unbound, Vol 13, no. 1, (OA).
2019, “Staten, Organisationssverige och vidsynthetens förgätmigej: Det strategiska främjandet av svensk internationalism, 1945–1963”, i Fredrik Norén & Emil Stjernholm, Efterkrigstidens samhällskontakter (Lund: Mediehistoriskt arkiv, 2019) 25p.
2019 (med Orsi Husz): “Between human capital and human worth: Valuations of knowledge in 20th century Sweden”, Scandinavian Journal of History, Vol. 43, iss. 3. 26p.
2018, “Framtidsmarknader: Svensk ekonomisk diplomati i Afrika och Asien under avkoloniseringens era”, Historisk tidskrift, vol. 138, iss. 4. 28p.
2015 “A Total Image Deconstructed: The Corporate Analogy and the Legitimacy of Promoting Sweden Abroad in the 1960s”, i Louis Clerc, Nikolas Glover & Paul Jordan, red.: Histories of Public Diplomacy and Nation Branding in the Nordic and Baltic Countries: Representing the Periphery (Leiden: Brill).
2015 (med Louis Clerc): “Representing the Small States of Northern Europe: Between Imagined and Imaged Communities”, i Louis Clerc, Nikolas Glover & Paul Jordan, red.: Histories of Public Diplomacy and Nation Branding in the Nordic and Baltic Countries: Representing the Periphery (Leiden: Brill). 17p.
2013 “Unity Exposed. Promoting the Nordic Countries at the World Expos 1967 and 1970”, i Jonas Harvard & Peter Stadius, red.: Communicating the North: Media structures and Images in the Making of the Nordic Region (Burlington: Ashgate). 20p.
2009 “Imaging Community: Sweden in ‘Cultural Propaganda’ then and now.” Scandinavian Journal of History, No. 3. 18p.