Jenny Andersson is CNRS Research Professor and a member of the Center for European and Comparative Studies at Sciences Po, Paris. She is also an associate director of the MaxPo Center in Paris. Jenny is on leave from CNRS for the duration of the program and based at the Department of the History of Ideas and Science in Uppsala.
Andersson has a PhD in economic history from Uppsala University and has been active in the fields of political and intellectual history. Her research areas are: the transformation of social democracy and Third way policies, the knowledge economy, futurology-futurism, futures of capitalism. Andersson is a member of the Council for European Studies and the Society for the Advancement of Socioeconomics. She has held fellowships at the MPIFG in Köln, Nuffield College Oxford, and the Swedish Collegium of Advanced Studies.
Key publications:
Andersson, Jenny and Niklas Olsen (2023). ”Introduction: libertarianism in the Nordics since the 1980s” Introduction to special issue, “Nordic Libertarians” in Journal of Political Ideologies.
Andersson, Jenny (2023). “The Freedom Front and the welfare state counter revolution”, for special issue ”Nordic Libertarians” in Journal of Political Ideologies (open access).
Andersson, Jenny, Nikolas Glover, Orsi Husz and David Larsson Heidenblad (eds.) (2023). Marknadens tid: mellan folkhemskapitalism och nyliberalism, Nordic Academic Press/Kriterium (https://www.kriterium.se/site/books/e/10.21525/kriterium.54/).
Andersson, Jenny, Nikolas Glover, Orsi Husz and David Larsson Heidenblad (2023). ”Bortom vänstervind och högervåg”, Marknadens tid: mellan folkhemskapitalism och nyliberalism, Nordic Academic Press/Kriterium (https://www.kriterium.se/site/books/e/10.21525/kriterium.54/).
Andersson, Jenny (2023). “Du har fullständiga rättigheter. Frihetsfronten och 80-talets radikala frihetsbegrepp”, in Andersson, Jenny, Husz, Orsi, Glover, Nikolas & Larsson Heidenblad, David (eds.), Marknadens tid: mellan folkhemskapitalism och nyliberalism, Nordic Academic Press/Kriterium (https://www.kriterium.se/site/books/e/10.21525/kriterium.54/).
Andersson, Jenny (2020). “Neoliberalism Against Social Democracy”, Tocqueville Review, How Neoliberalism Reinvented Democracy, 41(2), pp. 87-107 (OA).
Andersson, J. (2018). The future of the world: futurology, futurists, and the struggle for the post cold war imagination. Oxford University Press.
”The future of the Western world: the OECD and the Interfutures project”, Journal of Global History, 14, 1, March 2019, 126-144.
Andersson, J., & Godechot, O. (2018). Destabilizing orders-Understanding the consequences of neoliberalism. Proceedings of the MaxPo Fifth-Anniversary Conference, Paris, January 12-13, 2018 (No. 18/1). MaxPo Discussion Paper.
Andersson, J. (2012). The great future debate and the struggle for the world. The American Historical Review, 117 (5), 1411-1430.
Andersson, J. (2009). The library and the workshop: social democracy and capitalism in the knowledge age. Stanford University Press.
Andersson, J., & Hilson, M. (2009). Images of Sweden and the Nordic countries. Scandinavian Journal of History, 34(3), 219-228.
www.maxpo.eu https://www.sciencespo.fr/centre-etudes-europeennes/en/researcher/jenny-andersson