Elin Åström Rudberg is an associated researcher in the programme and works as a researcher at the Department of Economic History & International Relations at Stockholm University. She received her PhD in 2019 from Stockholm School of Economics with the dissertation Sound and loyal business. The history of the Swedish advertising cartel 1915–1965, for which she was shortlisted for the best dissertation prize by the European Business History Association in 2022. In her research Åström Rudberg focuses on the historical development of markets, the role of economic ideas and norms for the legitimacy of markets and the relationship between markets and society. She has also done research on the history of advertising and marketing and is one of the founders of the Advertising historical network in Sweden.
In January 2022 she started a three-year research project entitled ”The market makers. Advertising’s role in the socio-economic transformation of Sweden ca 1970–2000”, funded by Jan Wallanders och Tom Hedelius Stiftelse.
Since May 2021, she is the coordinator for the Neoliberalism in the Nordics Research Programme.
In the fall semester of 2023 she is visiting researcher at Lausanne University and the Centre of International History and Political Studies of Globalization (CRHIM)
Key publications
”Varieties of marketization; Comparing market reforms in the Swedish and Norwegian welfare states”, Nordic Welfare Research, forthcoming, Jan 2024 (with Ola Innset).
Åström Rudberg, Elin (2023). “Satsa på dig själv! Näringslivets politiska marknadsföring mot ungdomar”, in Andersson, Jenny, Husz, Orsi, Glover, Nikolas & Larsson Heidenblad, David (eds.), Marknadens tid: mellan folkhemskapitalism och nyliberalism, Nordic Academic Press/Kriterium (https://www.kriterium.se/site/books/e/10.21525/kriterium.54/).
Åström Rudberg, Elin & Husz, Orsi (2023), ”The technicians of consumer society: The creation of advertising men and practical advertising knowledge in early twentieth-century Sweden” in Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JHRM-11-2022-0032/full/html (open acess).
Åström Rudberg, Elin (2022), ”Doing business in the schools of the welfare state: Competing ‘entrepreneurial selves’ and the roots of entrepreneurship education in 1980s Sweden”, Enterprise & Society, https://doi.org/10.1017/eso.2022.26 (OA)
Åström Rudberg Elin & Kuorelahti, Elina (2021), ”’We have a prodigious amount in common’. Reappraising Americanization and circulation of knowledge in the interwar Nordic advertising industry”, Business History, Manuscript DOI: 10.1080/00076791.2021.1991915 (OA).
Åström Rudberg, Elin (2021). ”Så blev svenskarna sålda på att starta eget”, Svenska Dagbladet, Under Strecket, 20 oktober 2021.
Åström Rudberg, Elin (2019). Sound and Loyal Business. The history of the Swedish advertising cartel 1915–1965. Stockholm School of Economics, PhD diss.
Åström Rudberg, Elin (2018). ‘Selling the concept of brands. The Swedish advertising industry and branding in the 1920’s’, Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 494-512.