Last week, on January 25-27, several of the program’s participants met for a workshop that started in Lund and finished at Copenhagen.
At Lund University, David Larsson Heidenblad and Elin Åström Rudberg organized a workshop on digital methods together with Swedish media scholar Pelle Snickars about the project Välfärdsstaten Analyserad (Welfare State Analytics), Many thanks to Pelle for sharing his experience and telling us more about this impressive project!
At Copenhagen University, we first listened to and discussed the new book by Jacob Jensen, The Marketizers: Public choice and the making of neoliberal order:
After this followed one and a half days of inspiring presentations and discussions on topics such as ”resistance to neoliberalism”, ”architects of the mixed economy” and ”billionaires in the welfare state”, by several of the researchers in the programme. Also part of the program was collaborative work in smaller groups for a forthcoming book project.