Two new articles by researchers in the program have recently been published (online ahead of print) as part of a special issue on Nordic libertarianism in Journal of Political Ideologies: ”The freedom Front and the welfare state counter revolution” by Jenny Andersson (open access). ”Privatizing the welfare state: Danish libertarianism from the 1980s to the…
New article about gender, everyday financialization and neoliberalism
Orsi Husz has recently published an open access article in the journal Contemporary European History: ”The Birth of the Finance Consumer: Feminists, Bankers and the Re-Gendering of Finance in Mid-Twentieth-Century Sweden”. It highlights the intricate role gender could play in the financialization of everyday life and and uncovers a longer prehistory behind neoliberalization and the…
New article about business and the neoliberal turn in Denmark
Julian Lamberty and Jeppe Nevers have recently published a research article in Scandinavian Journal of History entitled ”The Voice of Business in Denmark’s Neoliberal Turn”. The article discusses the rhetoric and role of organized business in Denmark’s neoliberal turn, focusing especially on the Confederation of Danish Industry. Read more of the abstract and find the…
Exciting discussions at meeting in Copenhagen
Last week, on January 25-27, several of the program’s participants met for a workshop that started in Lund and finished at Copenhagen. At Lund University, David Larsson Heidenblad and Elin Åström Rudberg organized a workshop on digital methods together with Swedish media scholar Pelle Snickars about the project Välfärdsstaten Analyserad (Welfare State Analytics), Many…
Ny artikel om ungdomslivets finansialisering
När och hur blev aktier en del av allt fler svenska ungdomars liv? Läs David Larsson Heidenblads & Charlotte Nilssons artikel Ungdomslivets finansialisering: Skapandet av en aktiekultur för och av unga i Sverige, 1985–1994 i det senaste numret av Historisk Tidskrift (Vol 142, Nr 4, 2022).
Orsi Husz om identitetsekonomin i SvD
Orsi Husz understreckare i Svenska Dagbladet handlar om identitetsekonomin och hur det kommer sig att det är de privata bankerna som kontrollerar svenskarnas e-legitimationer. Från ingressen: ”Hur kommer det sig att det är bankerna och inte myndigheterna vi behöver vända oss till för e-legitimation? Skiftet i synen på vem som har tillräckligt förtroende för att…
Programme meeting in Helsinki 2022
Some photos from the conference that included lectures at Helsinki University and smaller seminar discussions with about 20 participants. It was three stimulating and inspiring days!
Public lectures at Helsinki University
On August 31st, at 4-6 pm, Professor Jenny Andersson and Professor Niklas Olsen of the programme will hold two short lectures on the intellectual history of the neoliberalisation of the Nordic welfare states, at beautiful Helsinki University. The lectures are part of our research conference arranged in Helsinki on August 31st-September 2nd. Read more about…
New event! Book discussion about neoliberalism in Denmark in the 1990s
On Friday September 16, 2022, several of our Danish colleagues arrange a book discussion together with author Søren Kolstrup about his new book: Forandringens årti – mellem velfærd og nyliberalisme 1990-2001 . Read more in the flyer below or at:
”Locating Ludwig von Mises: Introduction”, new article
Niklas Olsen from the programme, together with Quinn Slobodian, recently published this Introduction to a special issue on Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises in the Journal of the History of Ideas. ”Locating Ludwig von Mises: Introduction” is available open access here: